Fat Loss

Apple Cider Vinegar.. Yes, No, Maybe?


What is all the fuss about you may ask? Yes Apple Cider Vinegar is a great addition to a salad dressing but is it really a health miracle?

It is touted as a natural health cure, with a number of suggested health benefits such as weight loss, improved heart health & even treats dandruff. Although some of these health claims have potential, with small studies to back them up. Others, however, have little to no evidence of their validity.

Yes some small studies show encouraging results for apple cider vinegar's weight loss benefits. Though it may help with weight loss and health conditions, apple cider vinegar should NOT take place as a soul weight loss method!

Evidence-based weight loss plans encourage people to:
- Cut back or avoid processed foods and added sugars
- Focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats
- Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week

Apple cider vinegar is good to include but definitely NOT an essential! If you are keen to try start adding 1 - 2  tablespoons to a glass of water to enjoy in the morning upon waking!