Healthy Meal Prep

Nothing but avocados!


Nothing beats a perfectly ripe avocado with a squeeze of lemon, pinch of chilli flakes and a touch of Himalayan salt! Avocados are a true super hero! Not only are they are great source of vitamins C, E, K and B-6 but they are also full of healthy fats that help in keeping you full and satisfied so you don’t crave sugary foods! Eating healthy fats supports skin health, enhances the absorption of vitamins and minerals! This is way it is so important to include healthy fats into your diet! If you want to learn more about healthy fats check out my blog post HERE!

Fail to Plan. Plan to Fail.


I’m sure you have all heard this saying many times but it couldn’t be more true! Planning will help you stay on track with your weight loss goals, improve your health and might even save you money. If you find yourself wasting time in the kitchen, spending hours at night cooking dinner or want to stay on track with your 2018 health goals then meal prep is for you! The benefits of meal prep definitely out way those few extra hours on Sunday you spend cooking such as it will save money and help with achieving your goals.

The key to getting ahead with meal prep is to have a few staple foods that you can batch-cook and use in a number of different ways. If you really don’t have the time, opt for tinned tuna, salads, raw veggies (think carrot sticks, cucumber, avocado, tomatoes, capsicums), fruit and nuts, which take no time to simply throw in a Tupperware.

Here are my top tips for Meal Prep!

  • Invest in some quality Tupperware and ziplock bags! They will become your new best friend!
  • Cook in large batches and store in the fridge or freezer to keep fresh for during the week plan ahead. Sit down and write a list of the meals you are going to cook and the ingredients you need
  • Make a shopping list and STICK TO IT!!
  • Set aside few hours a week to chop, cook and prepare your meals for the week!

Click here to download my Weekly Meal Planner!

My New Years Bundle contains both my ebooks that are filled with a range of delicious, easy & healthy meals that you can prep for the week! Subscribe to my mailing list to receive 50% OFF! Subscribe HERE!