
Why aren't I losing weight?

Have you been trying to lose weight and only seeing minimal maybe even no changes? There are a few simple things that you maybe doing wrong! All it takes is a few simple adjustments to your diet, exercise regime and you will be seeing results again!

Skipping Breakfast

It may seem like a great idea to save calories but skipping breakfast almost guarantees that it will leave you consuming unnecessary amounts of calories later in the day to make up for it which can actually have an negative effect on your metabolism. Breakfast doesn’t need to be complex, it can be as simple as making a quick protein smoothie with banana and berries or scrambled eggs! All you need is a simple healthy calorie hit to jump-start your metabolism.

You are slogging out hours on the treadmill!

Increased muscle = increased fat burning! Swap the hour you spend pounding the pavement with a 30 minute weight training session. Not only does lifting weights prevent injury by strengthening the joints but it also builds lean muscle which leads to an increase metabolic rate meaning you will keep burning calories long after you have left the gym!

Not eating carbs!


Eliminating carbs can actually do the opposite! It can put your body into a state of ketosis which I think is not so good for women. Plus if you are a performance athlete you will find that your energy levels are lower and you can’t get through your training sessions well! Your body DOES need carbohydrates in order to fuel it throughout the day and to help metabolise fat. When talking about carbs, the type of carbs are very important. Starchy carbs such as pasta and potatoes will lead to weight gain but choosing healthier carbohydrates that are unrefined and unprocessed such as brown rice or quinoa or root veggies are a much healthier option!
Key point: Eat them in moderation and eat them around your workouts!

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No drinking enough water!

A glass a day won’t suffice but ensuring your drink 2 -3 litres per day, according to recent studies, can aid with weight loss. Filling up on water before a meal can help ensure you don’t over eat therefore helping with portion control! Also eating foods that contain a lot of water such as fruits and veggies, will help fill you up faster! And what does that mean? You eat less! If you struggle with your daily water intake, I suggest adding a few slices of lemon or some fresh berries to add a little “zing” to your water!  

You don’t leave yourself time to have fun!

I know what you may be thinking, what does fun have to do with why you aren’t losing weight! Well stress is shown to cause weight gain as it triggers the body to eat more of especially the foods high in sugar and fat! Make sure you allow yourself at least 15 minutes everyday to relax and unwind.  Meditation is a really great stress relief since it calms your nervous system. If you have more time take the opportunity to catch up with friends, go on a hike, a yoga class or a relaxing walk in nature.