mat movement

Mat Movement - Livestream Workouts

Sophia McDermott Drysdale Livestream Mat Workouts

I am pumped so I am excited to announce that I will be doing some livestream workouts!!! Each workout will be different and focusing on a different muscle group or different aspect of strength/fitness to help you feel energised and to keep you fit and strong and healthy.

I have already done a few live streams which were so much fun. We did a full body martial arts based workout out and then an abs and booty workout.  each workout starts with a warm up, a vigorous exercise routine and a cool down relaxation stretch with some breathing to help de-stress during these crazy times. 

Join my private Facebook group SophiaFIT Health & Fitness Tips, to view the live stream videos

The workouts are 5.30pm and 12pm PTS. Stay tuned for updates on times and type of workout. 

Live workouts on Twitch TV

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Today I went live on twitch. I want to say a big thank you to those who tuned in for my 1st live workout!!! We actually made it to the number one spot for Sports and Fitness!!! 
I will be sharing a lot more on BJJ, fitness workouts, cooking and general health and fitness tips so stay tuned. 
For those who missed it, log in to and join me on my channel: SophiaFIT.