
Meditation Tips!

mediation, yoga Sophia McDermott Drysdale.jpg

For those lades who missed out on the camp here is an opportunity to do some meditation in your own time. This is an excerpt from an article I wrote from a magazine which gives you a brief explanation and a step by step guide on the ‘how to’ of meditation and the basics.

There are many different methods of meditation but the simplest way to reach this peaceful state is to focus entirely on the body and the breath. This practice is known as “mindful meditation” or “focused attention.” Our breath is one of the only things that is autonomous that we can actually control.

Here’s how to do it:

Start by finding a comfortable place to sit or lie down without being distracted.

Close your eyes and inhale slowly for a count of six to eight. Then exhale slowly for a count of six to eight.

When you inhale, imagine you are breathing in clean light air or energy, and when you exhale, imagine you are releasing dark air or energy that your body needs to clear.

Keep this focus on the breath while trying to relax every part of your body. Visualize moving down your body from the top of your head down to the tips of your toes. As you move through each part of your body, allow for the relaxation to set in, specifically taking advantage of each exhale to further relax your muscles.

Enjoy the stillness. If a stray thought comes into your mind, push it out by returning your focus to your breath or to the relaxed muscles in your body. Every time a thought comes into your mind, replace it as soon as you are aware of it.

Deep, calm, and purposeful breathing has been shown to relax your body by slowing down your central nervous system (which can be over-activated from anxiety and stress). Meditation has been shown to repair the central nervous system like a good night's sleep. Reduced stress also means lowered cortisol levels and lower blood pressure, increased immune function, and increased mental wellbeing.

Let's Reset

Do you feel like your body’s natural systems are a little off balance? Whether it’s from stress, too much caffeine, or diet irregularities. The good news is, there are simple changes you can make to reset your body and get it back to 100% so you can feel amazing.

Regardless of how healthy you eat and how much exercise you get in, there are ways we need to reset mentally and emotionally to help optimize our health. It can be really frustrating if you feel sluggish and tired even if you’re following a healthy lifestyle, so here are some helpful tips to help you reset your body!

Tip 1: Drink enough water!

Yes I know this is an obvious tip but dehydration can sneak up on you in the most inconspicuous ways! Even when we don’t sweat as much like in the summer, our bodies still need water. Aim to drink 3 Litres of water a day. Try starting your day with hot water and lemon, this will help fire up your digestion and detoxification process.


Tip 2: Increase your intake of
anti-inflammatory foods!

Eat more natural, unrefined foods that won’t inflame your gut. They also support everything from a balanced micro-biome and strong bones to helping fight cancer.  Anti-inflammatory foods include tomatoes, green leafy vegetables (kale, spinach etc.), nuts (almonds and walnuts), fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna..) and fruit (strawberries, blueberries..).

Tip 3: Limit your coffee intake

Too much coffee can lead to the jitters, poor sleep, and a roller coaster in your energy. Yes, coffee has some great health benefits too, but just like anything when consumed too much it may cause an increase in stress hormones and poor sleep. If you need a pick me up in the afternoon, try a cup of herbal tea, or even a brisk walk outside.

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Tip 4: De-Stress

Do something that de-stresses you every day like going for a walk, taking a yoga class, setting aside time to meditate, listen to music, cook, call or catch up with your loved ones etc. Resetting isn’t just about the physical, it’s mental/emotional and so important we take time to prioritise what makes us joyful and happy at the end of the day!



Anti-Inflammatory Turmeric White Fish (Serves 2)


1 tbsp grated fresh or dried ginger
1 tbsp fresh or dried turmeric, grated
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tbsp tamari soy sauce
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Pinch of ground black pepper
2 x 200g white fish fillets
1 lime
1 bunch coriander – leaves and stalk
1/4 cup coconut water or water

1. Combine ginger, turmeric, garlic, tamari, lime juice and olive oil into a bowl.
2. Fold in the finely chopped coriander root.
3. Spoon paste over the fish fillet and massage well on both sides.
4. Heat a pan over a medium heat and add the fish fillet.
5. Pour in 1/4 cup of water or coconut water then place on the lid and reduce the heat.
6. Braise on a low to medium heat for eight minutes
7. Serve with your choice of salad or vegetables & Enjoy!