
My Toning & Sculpting class at UFC gym, 11am Saturdays!

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My Toning & Sculpting classes at the UFC Gym my focuses is to get the heart rate up and burn those calories for fat loss and then focus on the parts that us ladies need to work on the most, such as the butt, tummy and thighs. In this class we work hard to get that nice toned, sculpted shape. If you are in Vegas, come join the classes. All you need is yourself, a towel and water!

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My Ms Figure Toning and Sculpting Classes are Starting Soon!

Toning & Sculpting Classes Banner 11am, sophia McDermott

I am super excited to announce that I will be teaching a Ms Figure Toning and Sculpting class starting on October 21st11am every Saturday at the UFC gym! The class is a women's only class and the goal is to tone and sculpt the muscles as well as to burn fat at the same time. The exercises are all body weight exercises from my years as a gymnast, jiu jitsu athlete and as a Figure athlete. They will work your muscles without making you look bulky! Bring yourself, your moms, your sisters and your girl friends. This will be super fun, engaging and challenging. At UFC gym, Blue Diamond. Feel free to email me at for any questions.