Yummy low fat, low carb, wheat free/gluten free pancake recipe

Sophia MCDermott Drysdale

If you want a bit of a treat but a healthier alternative to real pancakes, this might do the trick. This low fat, high protein, low sugar and wheat free (gluten free) recipe is all kosher (for your health.) In this recipe I use egg whites to keep the fat content low for those who are dieting for tournaments etc, but you can use real eggs also. I I use coconut flour instead of wheat flour, greek yogurt instead of cream and only a dash of natural maple syrup to sweeten things up a bit. Serve this banana and strawberries and it is a delicious (and not so naughty) treat. 

Sophia MCDermott Drysdale

For those on a mega super diet of who are cutting weight then try adding  grapefruit instead of a banana to keep the carbs lower. 

Recipe:  (makes 1 pancake)

2 tsp coconut flour

3-4 egg whites

1 tbsp almond or coconut milk

1 tbsp greek yogurt (it makes it fluffy)

1 cup of strawberries

1 banana

1 tbsp greek yogurt (optional)

1 tbsp maple syrup


Mix all pancake ingredients together. Coat pan with coconut oil. Add pancake mixture to pan and cook on medium heat fr a few minutes. flip when lightly browned. Serve with strawberries, a dollop of greek yogurt maple syrup.