
One word...Bloating

Bloating has become so common these days, we could probably refer to it as an ‘epidemic’! The combination of poor diets and high level of stress there is no wonder that people are suffering from bloating! Whether it be the uncomfortable feeling, the appearance or maybe the gas that comes along with it, a bloated stomach can seriously impact on your life.

Foods to Eat

Probiotics: “Good Bacteria”. This includes foods such as Kimchi, Sauerkraut, yogurt, kefir and kombucha! These foods help to kill the bad bacteria that trigger digestive issues!

Raw Dairy: As opposed to conventional diary, aged/raw cheese, kefir and yogurt help to limit negative reactions.

Water Rich Fruits & Vegetables: Leafy greens, cucumbers, celery, fennel, artichoke, melon, berries, steam veggies and cultured/fermented vegetables.

Herbs, Spices & Teas: Such as ginger, dandelion, aloe vera, fennel, parsley, oregano and rosemary, herbal teas, essential oils, bone broth and green tea all naturally soothe digestion.

Foods to Avoid

Sugar & Sweetened Snacks: Sugar easily ferments in the gut therefore can contribute to inflammation.

Conventional Dairy: Flavored yogurts and other dairy with added sugar and artificial ingredients remove important enzymes that protect your gut.

Refined Grains: Gluten, corn and other grains can prove to be difficult for many people to digest.

Sulfur & FODMAP Carbs: Veggies like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, onion and garlic are very nutritious with several anti-cancer properties but can produce relatively high volumes of gas thanks to a type of carb (raffinose) which can remain partly undigested in the intestine.

If you do find you are still suffering from bloating, here are some simple tips to follow!

Talk to your doctor: Your Doctor will be able to run tests to help determine the cause of your bloating!

Get some Exercise: Being active definitely helps with your digestive system to function to its optimal capacity. Try doing something active for at least 30 minutes per day!

Increase your water intake: To ensure that the fiber entering your body can perform its job correctly, you want to be drinking 2 - 3 litres of water per day! Staying hydrated is essential for beating the bloat!

Reduce Stress: Stress and anxiety can create a huge impact on your digestion! When you are anxious or sad it causes your brain to divert attention away from proper digestion in an effort to conserve energy and high amounts of stress can increase your cortisol levels therefore causing you to become overly hungry, constipated and store unnecessary fluids.

I hope that all the information and tips above provide you with understanding of bloating and how to beat it! If you want some more insight, please email me at and we can discuss further!