Warrior Women Within: Women’s Self Defense Workshop

Sophia McDermott Drysdale Bodysports March 2020

Ladies, I am launching another 3 Stage Women's Self-Defense course Tuesday nights from March 17 - March 30 at Bodysport Fitness Center. I will be taking you through a journey on how to protect yourself from all situations, whether someone comes up from behind, or you are already pinned down on the ground. This information is soooo valuable and I want to share it with every woman so that they have the skills that could potentially save their lives. 

Book your spots. It's in 2 weeks!!! For family discounts please message me for the 20% discount code.

Sophia McDermott Drysdale Workshops March 2020.png

The 1st stage is Defend & Deflect on Tuesday March 17 at 6.30pm - 8pm.
This workshops will be focusing on awareness, and blocking and framing to create structural shapes to block the attacker without using strength.

The 2nd stage is Fight & Flee on Tuesday March 24 at 6.30pm - 8pm.
This workshop will deal with more up close and confrontational situations such as head locks and bear hugs and  will include more focus on the ground aspect.

The 3rd stage is Lethal Ladies on Tueday March 31 at 6.30pm - 8pm.
This workout is the final stage and  will focus on attacking as a means to disarm your attacker so you can get away. I will be teaching techniques that can potentially cause some serious damage to the attacker.