Pre & Post Workout Meals!

Fuelling your body pre and post workout is more important than any other meal throughout your day. Many people don’t realise the role that pre and post workout meals play in the effectiveness of your workout! To break it down a little… the food you consume before your workout will affect your energy levels and your performance output throughout your workout whereas what you eat after your workout is crucial for optimizing the recovery process and replenishing your body!


Now I’m not recommending you go eat a large meal before working out to ensure you have maximum energy for your workout, all you need is a quick snack! Ideally you should try to consume your snack 30-60minutes  before but this can depend on how your body tolerates food! So experiment and see what time frame best suits your body!

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Each of the snack ideas below contain some protein as well as carbs. Carbs are the fuel they are NOT the enemy!! Protein helps rebuild and repair, but also "primes the pump" to make the right amino acids available for your muscles.

Pre Workout Snack Ideas:

  • A teaspoon of peanut butter and banana
  • Greek yogurt with berries
  • Oatmeal with coconut/almond milk and fruit
  • Apple and peanut or almond butter
  • Handful of nuts and a piece of fruit



Your Post workout meal plays a vital role in refuelling your body with the nutrients it will need to repair, replenish, recover and adapt. A post workout meal should accomplish the following:

  • Replenish muscle glycogen that was depleted during your workout.
  • Reduce muscle protein breakdown caused by exercise
  • Reduce muscle soreness and fatigue
  • Greatly enhance overall recovery
  • Reduce cortisol levels
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Post workout meal ideas include:

  • Protein shake with a piece of fruit
  • Turkey on a ancient grain (wheat free) wrap with veggies
  • Yogurt berries parfait
  • 1 slice of ancient grain toast with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and ½ sliced banana
  • 1 to 2 eggs with a slice of ancient grain (wheat free) toast
  • 1 rice cake with ricotta cheese and berries

The above offer mainly carbs, some protein and are convenient — with the first two liquid options also helping to rehydrate the body.

If you need any more ideas on pre & post workout snacks, check out My Nutrition eBook available here or My 7 Day Meal Plan here

Women's ONLY BJJ Classes

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My Women's Only BJJ Classes at the UFC Gym are the perfect way for all ladies to give this awesome martial arts a try in a safe and friendly environment. here I guide you on learning some of the most effective self defense techniques and you have a great workout also. BJJ is very empowering and fun and it gets you strong and fit! If you are in Vegas, come and give it a try!

My Toning & Sculpting class at UFC gym, 11am Saturdays!

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My Toning & Sculpting classes at the UFC Gym my focuses is to get the heart rate up and burn those calories for fat loss and then focus on the parts that us ladies need to work on the most, such as the butt, tummy and thighs. In this class we work hard to get that nice toned, sculpted shape. If you are in Vegas, come join the classes. All you need is yourself, a towel and water!

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As the Christmas & end of year period is fast approaching, this is definitely a time when we need as much energy as we can get! If you are finding yourself feeling lethargic mid-afternoon, struggling to stay alert throughout the day or just straight out exhausted, you are not alone! Luckily, there are some really easy ways to boost your energy levels which often only requires you to make some small changes to your routine!

You would be surprised how much the food you eat affects your energy levels! Not only do you need to ensure that you are fuelling your body with the right balance of protein, carbohydrates and fat but pre and post workout nutrition is exceptionally important as it can help your performance during your workout and assist in recovery! Here are a few healthy energy boosting foods!

  • Fresh Fruit - Fruits with peels, like bananas or apples, are good choices to take to work or when you're on the go.
  • Nuts - In particular Cashews, almonds, and hazelnuts which are high in magnesium, that plays a key role in converting sugar to energy.
  • Hard boiled Eggs - rich in amino acid tyrosine which helps improve alertness and perk you up!
  • Lemon & Water - Adding lemon to water transforms regular H20 into a natural energy drink that is packed with electrolytes, which are critical for cells to produce energy.

Did you know that one of the first signs of dehydration is feeling tired or exhausted? Not drinking enough water can be why your energy levels are low and you feel exhausted. Don’t just drink water when you are thirsty! Make an effort to sip on water continuously throughout the day, with more around training times.

Incorporating regular exercise into your routine will actually boost energy levels. When engaging in physical activity it sends oxygen and nutrients to the cells of your body, which helps your heart and lungs to work more efficiently and boosts energy levels. You don’t need to be a gym junkie or run a marathon to get the benefits — moderate levels of activity will help with increasing energy levels and reducing stress and tension. Try adding “incidental” exercise into your day, such as taking the stairs, go for a 10-20min walk at lunchtime or walk around whilst on the phone. The little things really do add up!


The benefits of supplements are so underestimated!! By adding supplements to your daily routine it can help with optimising your energy production and improving your nutrition and overall health! When I discovered and introduced Juice Plus+ supplements  into my daily routine I have only reap all the amazing benefits! Juice Plus+ Capsules literally contain only vine ripened, freeze dried fruit and veggies! If you want more info on Juice Plus+ or to purchase some click here.

Sleep is the most factor for recovery and energy production. Ensuring that you get an adequate amount of sleep will assist mental health, hormonal balance, and muscular recovery. Aim to get between 7-10 hours per night.

We often feel like there is nothing we can do about stress, but we have a lot more control than you might think. Taking charge of your stress will allow you to tackle problems and clear up any cloudiness around your thoughts and emotions! There is always a way to relieve pressure and relax. If you are looking for tips on how to chill out, check out last weeks blog on Meditation here!

If you have actively tried all the tips above and you are still struggling with constant fatigue, there may be an underlying medical condition such as anemia, diabetes, thyroid dysfunction or hormonal problems! Make an appointment with your doctor who will be able to help you get on the right track!

Meditation Tips!

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For those lades who missed out on the camp here is an opportunity to do some meditation in your own time. This is an excerpt from an article I wrote from a magazine which gives you a brief explanation and a step by step guide on the ‘how to’ of meditation and the basics.

There are many different methods of meditation but the simplest way to reach this peaceful state is to focus entirely on the body and the breath. This practice is known as “mindful meditation” or “focused attention.” Our breath is one of the only things that is autonomous that we can actually control.

Here’s how to do it:

Start by finding a comfortable place to sit or lie down without being distracted.

Close your eyes and inhale slowly for a count of six to eight. Then exhale slowly for a count of six to eight.

When you inhale, imagine you are breathing in clean light air or energy, and when you exhale, imagine you are releasing dark air or energy that your body needs to clear.

Keep this focus on the breath while trying to relax every part of your body. Visualize moving down your body from the top of your head down to the tips of your toes. As you move through each part of your body, allow for the relaxation to set in, specifically taking advantage of each exhale to further relax your muscles.

Enjoy the stillness. If a stray thought comes into your mind, push it out by returning your focus to your breath or to the relaxed muscles in your body. Every time a thought comes into your mind, replace it as soon as you are aware of it.

Deep, calm, and purposeful breathing has been shown to relax your body by slowing down your central nervous system (which can be over-activated from anxiety and stress). Meditation has been shown to repair the central nervous system like a good night's sleep. Reduced stress also means lowered cortisol levels and lower blood pressure, increased immune function, and increased mental wellbeing.

Let's Sweet Potato It Up!


Yes I am talking about the ever so humble sweet potato. These Orange-fleshed vegetables may be one of nature's unsurpassed sources of beta-carotene! Not only are sweet potatoes readily available, inexpensive, and delicious, they have many other benefits for your health.

Before I go through a few delicious & nutritious recipes, here are just few amazing benefits...

1. They provide kind carbohydrates that don't induce a sugar crash
While white potatoes’ high glycemic index mean that their carbohydrates are quickly converted into sugar and a corresponding elevation in blood sugar levels, sweet potatoes are different. They fall much lower on the glycemic index which is better for avoiding sugar crashes and better for diabetes control, according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Sweet potatoes in moderate amounts can help maintain healthy blood sugar levels even for those with diabetes.

2. They keep your digestion running and help beat disease
One medium sweet potato with skin provides roughly between 4 to 6 grams of fiber which although isn’t the highest fiber source from plants but it sure does pack a punch! And plus we all know the benefits that fiber has on our bodies!!

3. Help with treating inflammation
Sweet potatoes prevent and fight inflammation in the body. As the protein it contains helps the plant repair itself after damage or bruising and this protein acts as an anti-inflammatory in our body. They also are a great source to replace inflammatory food culprits like wheat!

This ones for the ladies..
4. They could help conquer PMS blues
While huge amounts of manganese aren’t healthy, experts estimate that up to 37 percent of Americans don’t get the recommended dietary intake (RDI) of manganese in their diet. Along with promoting good bone health, studies show that boosting manganese intake from 1 mg to 5.6 mg of dietary manganese per day helped women with PMS to have fewer mood swings and cramps. For those asking what is Manganese, it is a mineral that is found in several foods including nuts, legumes, seeds, tea, whole grains, and leafy green vegetables. It is considered an essential nutrient, because the body requires it to function properly!

RECIPE TIME!! I have compiled a few recipes that you can include in your weekly meals! All are quick & easy and of course, healthy!


Sweet Potato Oats (Serves 2)
1 cup rolled oats, GF for gluten-free eaters (another alternative is quinoa flakes or buckwheat)
1 small sweet potato, steamed and pureed
1-2 Teaspoons maple syrup, honey or rice malt syrup
(something sweet)
½  tsp ground cinnamon
½ teaspoon of flax seed
1 teaspoon of chia seeds
Handful of pecans

1. To roast your sweet potato, preheat oven to 400 degrees F (204 F) and cut a sweet potato in half and lightly coat with olive oil or coconut oil. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until soft and tender.
2. Mash your sweet potato and set aside.
3. Once cooled down, stir in sweet potato puree with oats, sweetener of choice, cinnamon, flax seed, chia seeds and stir to combine. Taste and adjust flavor/seasonings as desired. If mixture is too thick, add a splash of non-dairy milk (such as almond).
4. Divide oats between two serving bowls and sprinkle with Pecans. Add a drizzle of honey for more sweetness. Enjoy immediately or place in jar to enjoy during the week!


Baked Chilli Sweet Potato ( serves 2)

2 Small to Medium sized Sweet Potatoes
Cup of Black beans
½ Cup Diced Cucumber
½ Cup of Diced Tomatoes
Tablespoon of Greek yogurt
Tablespoon of fresh or dried chilli
Fresh Lime

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
2. Poke holes into your sweet potatoes and bake them on a baking sheet (don't wrap them in foil), for about 40-45 minutes or until they're tender
3. Remove from the oven. Slice them open, and scoop out a little bit to make room for your stuffing.
4. Stuff with black beans, cucumber, tomato and top with greek yogurt.
5. Sprinkle some chilli on top and dig in.


Sweet Potato Brownies (Serves 12)
3 tablespoons coconut flour
2 tablespoons raw cacao powder
½ teaspoon vanilla powder
¼ teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
pinch of sea salt
1 scoop vanilla protein powder (optional)
1 large sweet potato, cooked in the oven until soft, skin removed & pureed
3 eggs, whisked
¼ cup coconut oil
⅓ cup rice malt syrup or honey

1. Preheat oven to 185 °C (365 °F)
2. Combine sweet potato, eggs, vanilla, honey and coconut oil in a large mixing bowl and stir together until well incorporated. Then add cacao powder, cinnamon, pinch of salt, protein powder (optional), baking powder and stir. Finally add coconut flour. Avoid adding too much coconut flour as it will absorb too much moisture which will leave you with dry brownies..
3. Once combined, pour the mixture into a baking tray lined with lightly greased baking paper.
4. Cook for 25-30 minutes. Remove the tin and cool for 5-10 minutes before carefully removing the brownies from the tin. Cut them into squares and dust with a little cacao powder. Serve with raspberries or strawberries and maybe some greek yogurt or coconut yogurt to be extra decadent.

Look back at My October Lifestyle Camp

My October Lifestyle Camp was an absolute hit!! A huge thank you goes out to everyone would attended the camp & to the amazing sponsors (Fuji Sports, Juice Plus+, Menhune Soaps, Shapes Gym, Finding Samata & Fortitude and Wellbeing). 

Here are a few snippets from the lovely Jodi Schwartz article!

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" Morning person or not, the ladies of the camp got up early each morning to be greeted by a stunning array of fresh fruit before taking a short walk to the beach for sunrise yoga led by the brilliant and beautiful Jiu Jitsu Yogi, Jasmine Bienvenue . Each day, Jasmine explored different flows where she encouraged a connection to the body and breath before laying and meditating in a sweet savasana as the sun came up.

The practice was followed by a hearty nutritious breakfast which offered a choice of fruit, eggs, yogurt, gluten free or rye toast with coffee and tea. All meals were prepared by the woman of many talents, Tina West, with help from sous chef Jodi Schwartz. 

At 10.30am Sophia McDermott taught the BJJ sessions. Sophia who is a world, no gi world and Pan Am Champion as well as the 1st female black belt from Australia shared her knowledge BJJ with a particular focus on techniques that were better suited to women. After a couple of hours of BJJ techniques and open rolling came where the pictures of smiles do not do the happiness and joy felt justice.

After a good training session, The ladies had worked up an appetite were ready for lunch. They were greeted with a nourishing lunch of protein, vegetables and complex carbs before relaxing in the afternoon. The next three to four hours were open for whatever suited. Many of the girls went to the beach, some to the pool, some shopped, went to a movie, or took a much needed nap. There was also little downtime for walks, relaxation, meditation, private lessons or snap chat sessions.

Evening activities varied day by day, which included workshops that alternated with a focus on the body and mind/spirit. Sophia taught a toning & sculpting workout, a nutrition workshops, partner stretching and a BJJ Q&A session. Tina west took charge of the Warrior Within empowerment workshops, sound therapy and guided meditations. You can check out all of Tina’s talents and skills here and here.

Dinner was always ready after the workshops to make sure that ladies were refulled and recharged from all the activities of the day. Although, the focus of the camp was about health and good nutrition if needed, the ice cream shop and convenient store was just a quick walk away for those with chocolate cravings."

It is a euphoric feeling for five days where women from all over the US and World come together to meet, learn, experience, share and make lifelong connections. The sisterhood developed is on a different level than one most have ever experienced. Each day and session seemed to light more of a fire within each woman, inspiring each one of us to be the wonderful person that we are, listening to our hearts and choosing our own paths. #bethestarofyourownlifeIt.

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Women's only BJJ classes start this Saturday, Oct 21 at the UFC gym

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I am super excited to announce that I am starting a women's only class at the UFC gym Blue Diamond every Saturday at 12pm. All welcome regardless of affiliation or belt rank.  My focus will be on you ladies and teaching techniques that are better suited for women. My aim with these women's classes is to create a fun, supportive and safe environment where women can learn BJJ and feel empowered.  My mission is to teach BJJ and selfdefense to as many women as possible. Every women should learn the basic skills to effectively defend themselves. #empoweredwomen